Category Programming

AI-powered Drawing App Turning Sketches into Functional Games and Apps

Discover tldraw, the revolutionary app that brings your sketches to life as functional software with the help of AI. Experience the future of software development and interface design as this game-changing tool seamlessly bridges the gap between drawing and coding, paving the way for more intuitive and creative methods.
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GitHub Copilot: Accelerated Workflows, Real-Time AI Suggestions, Customization, and More

GitHub Copilot introduces new features to enhance developer workflows, including accelerated workflows, real-time AI-based suggestions, documentation personalization, and more. It aims to streamline coding, improve code quality and security, foster collaboration, and personalize the experience for developers and enterprises.
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The Top 10 Tech Innovations of Our Time

Discover the top tech innovations that have reshaped industries and transformed our daily routines, from the groundbreaking smartphone to the game-changing Internet of Things. Explore how these advancements have revolutionized communication, entertainment, and even security measures, and get a glimpse into the exciting future of technology.
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