Enhancing WordPress with AI: Jordy Meow’s Meow Apps Plugins

Discover Meow Apps, the brainchild of Jordy Meow, a Tokyo-based software engineer and photographer. From their highly popular WP Retina 2x to the powerful AI Engine plugin, Meow Apps offers a wide range of WordPress plugins designed to optimize your website's functionality and enhance imagery.

I use the AI Engine plugin all the time now, so I wanted to give Jordy a shoutout.

Meow Apps, founded by Jordy Meow, specializes in creating WordPress plugins that enhance optimization and imagery. Jordy Meow, a software engineer and photographer based in Tokyo, Japan, started Meow Apps from his own need for better quality plugins. Dissatisfied with the existing plugins’ performance, limited support, and compatibility issues, he developed his own, starting with WP Retina 2x, a plugin addressing high-resolution display needs, which has been downloaded over 3 million times​.

Meow Apps offers a range of plugins including Media Cleaner, Database Cleaner, Media File Renamer, AI Engine, Perfect Images, Social Engine, Meow Lightbox, WP/LR Sync, Meow Gallery, Meow Analytics, Contact Form Block, and AI-SEO KISS. These plugins cater to various needs like media library cleaning, database optimization, automatic media file renaming, adding AI features to WordPress, image management and optimization, social media planning and automation, lightbox functionality, photo synchronization with Adobe Lightroom, gallery optimization for photography websites, Google Analytics integration, form creation, and AI-driven SEO enhancement​​.

The company’s journey began when Jordy Meow moved to Japan about 16 years ago. Working as a software engineer in the financial industry, he started photographing Japan and created websites using WordPress. His dissatisfaction with the quality and optimization of existing plugins led him to create his own, which eventually gained popularity and spurred the establishment of Meow Apps in 2016​.

Check out the AI tools at Meow Apps.

Phil Radvan
Phil Radvan

My name is Philip Radvan, but you can call me Phil. I am currently in California and am a seasoned software engineer with over 27 years of experience in the field. Drawing from a treasure trove of industry experience, I’ve pieced together a transformative AI training course that’s a perfect blend of rich knowledge and hands-on utility.

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